Sunday, February 2, 2020

#160: And Now For Some Big Duplex News

#160: And Now For Some Big Duplex News

It’s our first episode of 2020 and WE BOY DO WE HAVE NEWS! We’re excited to share it because it not only means good things for us, our friends, and the duplex itself, but it’s also connected to our continued efforts to simplify, and it involves a twisty tale of switching tables with a stranger. We’re also sharing a special gift that we gave this holiday season that can help your family honor a loved one. Plus, a check-in on our bathroom reno progress, the Instagram account that keeps us laughing, and our favorite geography-based game we’ve ever played.

You can download this episode from Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcherTuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! And if you’d like a TRANSCRIPT of this episode, here you go!

Continue reading #160: And Now For Some Big Duplex News at Young House Love.

from Young House Love


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