Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Holy Buckets, We’re Moving! (To A Smaller House In A New State)

Holy Buckets, We’re Moving! (To A Smaller House In A New State)

In case you haven’t had a chance to listen to this week’s podcast or read the transcript, we wanted to put our big news into an actual blog post. It’s basically a combination of info from the podcast + additional details based on some common questions that kept rolling in. It’s one of the biggest life changes we’ve made in the last decade, so it feels good to get everyone up to speed in this post. And a huge thank you for all the support and encouragement you’ve shared for this new adventure of ours. We can’t wait to live with less, be outside a lot more, and eat even more fresh caught shrimp than we ever thought possible. And yes, to everyone asking – we definitely plan to share more about paring down, moving, the renovation, and even things like getting settled in a new area and feeling at home as this new chapter of ours unfolds.

Continue reading Holy Buckets, We’re Moving! (To A Smaller House In A New State) at Young House Love.

from Young House Love


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